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OCR: to access decision support dai and analysis engines from a web browser. www.sentrytech.com, for hot links to vendor websites and other sources of information, COMPANY LOCATION PHONE URI PRODUCTS FUNCTIONAL FOCUS Management Science 14121362-2000CF www.msi.non Business Web 0. 4Per one with Wach boon og frost ens Associates Inc .. Microstrategy Inc. (7931 818-5600 37 www. strategy.com RSS Tes Web acces: 15 065 Suite, enterprise OLAP (800)927-1855 NCR Corp $131 415-3050 or www.Icr.com MOR Terat ara Canewar Enables access os datheyse vin Bice browser for java Vetcube Corp. 0011 941-6250 www.netonbertincnc.com Hertupe Told memisnal dite ataish Edgewater, NU Ornicie Corp. (115) 556-7000 0 www.cratie.com Cradle Seprend Server and Webaccess to malikimens oral data 'SON CGACLE Web Age it Pilot Software Inc. 3517: 374-9400 Protimemet-Publisher Data mining ans inipsicof dela cis Web Cambodge, Mass, Platinum Technology Inc. (635) 520-5009 Web access to Into Besoin. OLAF ergue am Oakbrook Terrace, IL. front Eng Prism Solutions inc. Directory Web Access Web Accessto Fryn Warchruve Directory, Susimpele, Casf. Web based access to relational 68.3 Sagent Technology inc 1435) 293-7102 www.sagenttech.com Welink Web access to Sage it data mart server Paio the, Cait. SAS Institute Inc. 19201677 3005 www ... t.cor- Suite of too's that pimvidr With access and repairs toin SAS software Seagate Software Information [604) 631-3435 Web access 10 crystal Info, OLAP front-end Management Group Inc. fantuale , Liftith colombia, tanada Silvon Software Inc: 160 755-1313 ₥ CONer Web access to DalsTracks (2:0) 874-5856 IMDEMS, with four app'icatichs) Speedware Corp. (1161 458-2350 Web access to OLAP fient ecd and engine Freeware vergon of Mociaf Ach Sybase Inc. (3101922 3500 Web access for SQL Server (BCBUS) Emeryville, call Endem Coinputers Inc. 850-432-6336 Servertict System area network Copotting, Calif Middleware suite, Scalable servers Vmark Software inc. 503: 366-3588 www.w.mark.com Dara-access middleware Westborough, Wass. data wambruy: management Xense Technology Inc. (415) 495-6191 www.w.se.com UB Publisher lasz cosed query end iepartiig 1ogl San Fandved Cit OTHER KEY VENDORS AND INFORMATION SOURCES Data Warehousing Institute 301-947-3734 www.uw-i shit.2.com Conferences, Bocks, and other valuable Githenborg MO 20479 restences about data warehouses EMC Corp. 1820) 524-3622 www.cmc.com Symunetnis Senies Storage servers Enterprise-wide sibell agent storage Hogkivto , Mass Firstlogic, Inc. 16981 788-8730 06 applicados ensu-ing tusismer data accuracy (820)-551-9192 Gul for data cesarsing Red Brick Systems Inc. (1881 359-3200 0: wen redbrick com nd Brick Wairhouse Data warehousing RDBMS Los Gatos, Call. 12001 717-2565 Software AG ESPERENT Graphical queiy and reporting topl (200) 843-9534 Quote extractos and fo:reacting tosl